The truth is, 60% of photography businesses won’t survive past the first year. In fact, according to a 3 year study done by Dane Sanders in his book Fast Track Photographer, only 15% will survive past 3 years. Thankfully, there’s an underutilized resource for business owners with the numbers to prove it. The success rate of mentored small businesses compared to those without a mentor is mind-blowing. In a study done by UPS, 70% of mentored businesses survive more than five years. That’s double the rate for non-mentored small businesses over that same period. There are few things in the business world that can double your chances of success. Having someone knowledgeable you can turn to for advice is one of them. That same study showed that 88% of business owners say that having a mentor to lean on is invaluable.

So, why me? I’m a corporate dropout, having left my Marketing career to start my own business. Prior to photography, I was a Marketing Manager and a Creative Producer at an advertising agency. I’ve been taking photos with my DSLR camera (now mirrorless) for more than 10 years. I’ve invested over $15K in other business and photography mentor sessions to take my own skillset to the next level, providing me with the tools to teach you everything I’ve learned. I created a profitable photography business and built an engaged social media following in one year. By tying my knowledge of marketing with photography, I help small businesses build brands that people remember. I truly believe in abundance, meaning I’m willing to share everything I know with you and not hold back. I know that there’s room for all of us to thrive.

1-ON-1 photography MENTOR SESSION

This session will get you confident with your camera, lighting, posing, and editing so you can start creating the type of shots you’ve saved on Pinterest.

I’ve personally invested over $15K in my own photography and business mentorships, and I’m eager to share what I’ve learned with you. Before our session together, I’ll send you a questionnaire to make sure we go in depth on the areas that matter the most to you.

3 Hour Mentor Session: $1750
4 Hour Mentor Session with Styled Shoot: $2500

What’s included:
+ understanding camera settings
+ hands-on demonstration
+ lighting, editing & composition
+ lightroom & photoshop tutorials
+ prompts & posing
+ attracting your dream client
+ advertising, marketing & social media
+ workflow & client interaction
+ website critique
+ pricing & contracts
+ 9-page pdf of my photography mentor session guide
+ 7-page pdf of my business mentor session guide
+ q&a - ask me anything
+ access to private mentor facebook group
+ 30 days of Voxer access

"I reached out to Rachelle after feeling a bit stuck in my head on a lot of business decisions I was facing. She was so warm and welcoming from the very beginning. We emailed back and forth quite a bit so she could really understand my pain points and offer the most tailored training for our time together. She made sure we covered all of my questions and I left with actionable steps and "homework" feeling extra motivated to pour back into my business. She has a great business mind and collaborative spirit. If you need a business coach to give you that extra push, I would not hesitate to set up a session with her.” - Shannon J.


This is done via video chat, perfect for the passionate and driven entrepreneur ready to elevate their brand and marketing. I’ll answer all of your burning business questions. The more you learn, the more you’ll earn. I’ve personally invested over $15K in my own mentorships, and I’m eager to share what I’ve learned with you. Before our session together, I’ll send you a questionnaire to make sure we’re covering exactly what you’re dying to learn.

Spots are limited. I only take 3 of these per month.

Cost: $300

What’s included:
+ 1 hour virtual mentor session

“I hired Rachelle for a mentoring session and she was absolutely amazing! Aside from her wealth of knowledge in the photography arena she is efficient and honest (key because I could have just chatted with her forever and gotten way off topic!). She felt like a friend and delivered like a professional.” - Kelly R.

shadow the pro mentor session

Join me on a paid client session or a mini session day. For photographers that are visual learners, nothing beats this option. You’ll observe my interactions with actual clients (not models!) so you can walk away knowing how to pose, how to guide the session, how to handle lighting scenarios, and how to navigate the unexpected scenarios that are bound to happen during any session. Within the week following the session, I’ll answer all of your burning business questions on a half hour video call.

1 Hour Shadow Session: $875

What’s included:
+ 1 hour shadow session
+ 30 minute virtual session
+ 7 days of Voxer access

"I reached out to Rachelle for a mentor & shadow session after feeling a bit stuck in my head on a lot of business decisions I was facing. She was so warm and welcoming from the very beginning. We emailed back and forth quite a bit so she could really understand my pain points and offer the most tailored training for our time together. I am a visual learner, so it was great to watch her photograph and interact with her clients as well as ask questions in between sessions. She made sure we covered all of my questions and I left with actionable steps and "homework" feeling extra motivated to pour back into my business. She has a great business mind and collaborative spirit. If you need a business coach to give you that extra push, I would not hesitate to set up a session with her.” - Shannon J.



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